
In this category, innovative technology demos, novel forms of interaction, and also interactive artistic works can be submitted.

The following types of demos are possible:

  • Interactive systems. These can be novel hardware solutions, interaction concepts, or interesting software solutions from a wide range of application areas. The only condition is that they must be non-commercial contributions. We also welcome the submission of demonstrators that accompany a long paper submitted in the scientific program.
  • Design Artifacts. Innovative examples of digital media or interactive systems as well as interactive, multimedia, or artistic works (e.g. art installations, games).

The demo contributions will be presented in a separate demo session and are intended to encourage people to get to know each other, try them out, get inspired by them, discuss them, and generally exchange knowledge. In a preceding demo slam, presenters create audience attention for their own demo.

  • Format Template
    • Overleaf & LaTeX, and use \documentclass[manuscript,anonymous,screen]{acmart}.
  • Submission
    • A brief description of the system or the design/artistic work in a compact form on 2 to 4 pages plus bibliography.
    • Demo video (optional, but highly recommended; max. 5 minutes, Full HD-resolution, mp4 format). If there are problems uploading the demo video (unfortunately the ConfTool only allows 150MB per file), there is the possibility to send large files directly via a download link to
    • Preview image for the overview page (Resolution: 1920 x 1080 px; Format: jpg / png)
    • Submission in ConfTool at „MCI Demos: Interactive Systems or Demonstrators“
  • Final Version
    • Word: For submissions with Word please follow the instructions and use the template described here.
    • Upload of submissions with TAPS (see hereand also via ConfTool